Looking for a replacement vehicle? Mills Motors has the easiest Buy From Home program – designed to keep you safe and offer you the utmost in convenience!
Choose your vehicle from our large inventory of vehicles: New, Demo Models, Used or Custom Lift Trucks.
Fill out your information below, or call Sales at 905 436 1500. Say you’re interested in our Buy From Home program!
One of our Sales Professional’s will do a live video walk-around on the vehicle you’ve chosen.
If you love the vehicle, we can bring it to you for a test drive, of course with all touch surfaces disinfected.
If you are planning to trade in your current vehicle, all details can be gathered by the Sales Professional for a trade evaluation. This is a complimentary service and in no way obligates you to sell your vehicle OR buy ours!
If you would like to proceed with vehicle purchase, our Sales Professional will guide through our no-touch sales process.